On Snow Days

Where I live in Indiana has just been absolutely overwhelmed with snow as of late. We’ve missed more days in the past two months than all of the other years combined, which has messed up this year like no other. Now we’re stuck with a bunch of days that we have to make up and no more snow days. So, as a solution, this week we are stuck going to school for an extra hour.

Now, this isn’t necessarily the worst thing that could happen. A lot of my teachers are just as lazy (If not more so ) as I am, so in a few of my classes we are just watching movies and playing games with the extra time. But there are always the teachers who decide that we need to be very, very proactive with this time and try to teach us new things in the sad 15-minute period tacked on to the end of class. Squeezing two lessons into class on normal days didn’t work, but somehow teacher logic dictates that 15 minutes is exactly enough time to do this. Spoiler: It isn’t.

Another thing that is flawed about this is that lunch is pushed about an hour later. My regular lunch starts at 12:26. During this schedule, it doesn’t start until 1:28. So for a whole week, my entire routine is all junked up. At least some of my teachers are letting us bring snacks to eat! I doubt i’m really going to hate this week, but that’s what it feels like. And supposedly, the snow is coming back later this week. How ironic would it be if we had a snow day during our make-up week?

Go away polar vortex, no one wants you.

With Love, EG☂

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